Total Test Duration

Till 31-March-2015

Why should I buy an online test?

Real GATE exam is online , so this will be more helpful to attempt the actual exam

How many mock up tests will be provided with this course?

12All Indi Mock Test,10 Subject Wise Tests,10 Subject Wise Tests and 8 Full Length Practice Test

How many attempts can I take after purchasing the online mock test?

One attempt per test

Can I download the test papers?


Will there be revision notes provided before taking the tests?


How will I get to know about my performance in the mock test?

Once you submit test, you can view the results.It includes your relative score, performance analytics with your strength and weekness.

How long before the actual exam should I start taking mock tests?

Ideally 6 months before

What should I do if I forget my username or password or exam url?

There will be one option Forgot Password in the login URL or mail us

What are the advantages in opting for Computer Based Examination ?

Real GATE exam is online , so this will be more helpful to attempt the actual exam

Can I take the mock tests sitting at home or will I have to go to a nearby test center?

Yes, you can take mock test at home

When will the results of the mock tests be declared?

Once you submit test, you can see the results with rank based on total students attempted test.

Will I get solutions to the problems asked in the online tests? will get solved solutions of all the questions .

Will there be any feedback provided on the online test performance?

Automated feedback will be there for your performance, which gives your strength and weekness.

Will I have access to previous year"s test papers and their answers?


Will the mock tests work on a low-bandwidth/dial up connection?

Yes.Internet connection is required only to start and finsh the test.

What are the hardware and software requirements for mock tests?

Browser preferrred is Mozilla(Latest version)

In case I have some doubts whom can I reachout for resolution and what will be the TAT for the same?

Discussion Forums will be there.You can give your doubts there and solutions will be provided within 48hrs